Bangs and thinning
Bangs and thinning
Bangs and thinning
Must be accompanied with a gloss at separate charge
Must be accompanied with a gloss at separate charge
Must be accompanied with a gloss at separate charge
Remove minerals that can build up on the scalp, clog the roots, and inhibit new hair growth
Vegan treatment that removes mineral, calcium deposits and metal buildup. Normalizes exfoliation
Helps keep the integrity of the hair while color is processing
Creating your tension-free foundation and applying wefts. Service is for 1 foudation.
Suggested every 6-8 weeks. Wefts/tapes will be removed and re-installed. Service is for 2+ foundations.
Suggested every 6-8 weeks. Wefts/tapes will be removed and re-installed. Service is for 1 foundation.